Defeating Writer’s Block, or Why Rubber Ducks really are Great Listeners


First of all can I just say this is NOT a review. I repeat, this is NOT a review. Namely because I haven’t finished the book yet and secondly because my actual review of What a Girl Wants will be arriving on this blog at the end of the month (yay). Instead this is in fact a little update on how I managed to read, write and consult a rubber duck, all within a week of beginning to tackle Lindsey Kelk’s new book.

Yes, it sounds a little bit crazy, and there’s no point me denying it, it is crazy but something spectacular happened whilst finally getting stuck into the novel…I found a cure for Writer’s Block. Okay, it might be a temporary cure but it worked! Before I get to that though, I’ll share my initial thoughts on the What a Girl Wants.

I might be slightly biased because I’m quite a fan of the I heart series but with this one so far so fantastic. Lindsey Kelk has a brilliantly funny style and her light wit and conversational way of writing means you can get zapped straight into her ultra girly world. I like Tess, but her friend Amy is great! They bear an uncanny resemblance to myself and Elle, one a tall, creative type, the other short and bonkers (that’d be me) and both fast friends for absolute donkey’s years. One key difference between myself and Amy, though,  is my inability to wear crop tops and the fact that I am hopefully more reliable when it comes to getting a job! So far I am Team Charlie, but I shall see how that changes as I continue to read (I don’t think I’ll change my mind but you never know.)

I am also pretty envious of Kelk’s ability to create such likeable characters: a tall, gorgeous, copper haired girl with two guys after her could have been a rather disagreeable creation but with her stunning personality and ability to get into hilariously embarrassing scrapes means that she is someone I want to root for.

Now to explain the title and photo. Tess has a wonderfully quirky habit of discussing her problems with a rather judgmental rubber duck. A rubber duck that helpfully deals out home truths at the beginning of the novel. In other words, the rubber duck helps her sort out her own head full of dilemmas. Now at the beginning of this week I felt inspired by Lindsey Kelk’s book to resurrect my own novel that had been on hold for a while. I got everything I needed, pen, paper, laptop and a cuppa but the minute I sat down…nothing. The dreaded Writer’s Block was back! It was a pretty depressing moment. I was stumped. I would have tried anything. Then it hit me. The rubber duck. My sister has a handsome collection of these fellows so I borrowed a particularly dapper duck and I sat down with it. As stupid as I felt I forced myself to write a conversation between myself and the duck and after a little while I felt the engine firing up and the cogs began to turn. An idea popped up and away I went once more.

Silly but effective, hence the blurry (trying to be arty) photo. So there you have it, What a Girl Wants turned out to be my temporary cure for Writer’s Block! Now to continue reading and see what I think next week! I hope everyone is enjoying their monthly reads and maybe writing a bit themselves!

Catch you later!

Shellie x

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